Quick and Reliable Scaling
to Help Thousands.

Executive Summary

Our client is an app-based organization with a global footprint and a very large number of users. They enable artificial intelligence (AI) to help non-native English learners improve speech and pronunciation through short lessons. Due to the size and complexity of their organization's daily activity, their need for scalable, robust, and efficient compute and database options was apparent. One of the most important of these services is Database services. This organization needed to efficiently and securely support rapid and ongoing user growth. If this data isn't managed properly, there is enormous potential for loss of user satisfaction and content availability. With Amazon EKS and EC2, our client gained a modern and robust set of tools that allow them to easily and reliably scale as needed. Additionally, using a combination of DynamoDB, RDS, and Cloundfront, increasing user growth and content streaming was easy and efficient. 

The Business Need

To handle large amounts of data from the daily activities of an ever-growing number of users, the customer needed a cloud-based computing platform that offered flexible compute and database options. Our client's developers needed easy access to real-time and stored user-generated data to continuously improve their algorithms.

The Solution

We containerized their workloads with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) on various Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (Amazon EC2) Instances. This allowed for the allocation of memory and compute resources to different development tasks, optimizing workload costs along with performance.

We used DynamoDB and Relational Database Service (RDS) to support rapid user growth in combination with CloudFront to stream content in order to ensure low latency and high availability of the app.

The Result

Low latency and high availability allows this app to be access in over 150 countries across the world with extremely high user satisfaction rates. This app has received nearly 5 stars on Google Play Store and the Apple App Store from over 150, 000 user reviews,

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