Security is Our
Main Priority

Executive Summary

This client is a Non-Profit organization that offers a multitude of services to low-income families residing in the Austin area. They are a pillar in the Hispanic/Latino community and provide services such as ESL, Health Management, Financial Assistance. Due to the size and complexity of their organization's daily activity, their need for safe and secure networking and storage was our first priority.  This organization needed to efficiently and securely maintain client records which contained personal identifiable information and needed to be in compliance with HIPAA. If this data isn't managed properly, there is enormous potential for loss of client information and data. With VPCs and virtual firewalls, our client gained a modern and robust set of tools that allow them to easily and reliably maintain data in their network. Additionally, we are able to monitor their resources and ensure abnormalities are caught immediately. 

The Business Need

This organization handles a large amount of medical records requiring HIPAA compliance and personal identifiable information (PII), including documentation and citizenship status for many individuals in families. Their first priority was enabling a better solution to ensure this information would remain secure and safe.

The Solution

Our first order of business was to deploy VPCs for the organization in order to control network access to and from resources. We also configured virtual firewalls such as Security Groups, WAFs, and Network ACLs to lock down their network and protect against unauthorized access to their resources. This enabled us to be able to monitor their resources and ensure abnormalities were immediately caught.

The Result

A few months after our security enhancements, the organization experienced a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack, which was fortunately avoided due to the WAFs we had implemented. This organization now safely maintains PII and client records without fearing leaks or loss of information.

es_MXEspañol de México