Cloud Architecture

The Principles of Cloud Architecture​

At FizLabs, we follow the fundamental principles of cloud infrastructure including assessing your business needs, continuity needs and workload. We help you determine the best platform and architecture for your business.

Cloud Architecture Components

At FizLabs, we follow the fundamental principles of cloud infrastructure including assessing your business needs, continuity needs and workload. We help you determine the best platform and architecture for your business.

Microsoft Azure​

Our expertise lies in: 

  • Configuring virtual machines, storage accounts, resource groups
  • Deploying Virtual Machines as per requirements
  • Creating Virtual Machines on demand for different teams
  • Deploying windows, linux servers using azure portal
  • Remote login to Virtual Machines to troubleshoot, monitor and deploy applications.
  • Creating NSG’s and configuring the inbound and outbound rules
  • Deploying the NSG’s to allow/deny specific application traffic
  • Creating and Managing Virtual Networks and Subnet
  • Working with Site to Site and Express route connections 
  • Monitoring the health status of the Azure VM’s
  • Increasing the VM disk spaces when there is space issues
  • Using Powershell to write, debug scripts to automate the processes and migration of VM, involving copying and creating of VHDS.


Amazon Web Services (AWS) ​

We specialize in a multitude of AWS resources including:

  • Configuring and managing VPCs, subnets, and flow logs
  • Data Migration tools
  • Creating, managing and deploying EC2 instances as well as associated LBs and ASGs
  • Creating and managing users, roles, and groups in IAM
  • Storage solutions involving EBS, S3 and Glacier
  • And more such as: Lambda, Cloud Watch, WAF, ACM, Route 53, and Cloud Trail.
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